Wednesday, 18th May 2021

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Wednesday 6th April 2021



From the Norman Conquest to the birth of Parliament

Why did a small Kingdom like Medieval England play such an important part in European history?


 I) The Norman Conquest



Listen carefully the video about THE BAYEUX TAPESTRY.


Be ready to answser the Quizz  !!!!!

In 1066 two armies met in Hastings. The battle lasted most of the day and King Harold of England was killed and the winner William of Normandy became the new king of England (was crowned). We need to look at the reasons why William was able to win.......



Monday 26th April 2021

Why did William win the Battle of Hastings ?

Read this document and answer questions 1 and 2 ( Try to use quotes).

hastings 1066.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 1.5 MB

Answers :

In 1066 two armies met in Hastings. The battle lasted most of the day and King Harold of England was killed and the winner William of Normandy became the new king of England (was crowned).


We need to look at the reasons why William was able to win.




One reason why William won the battle was because of Harold’s weaknesses and bad luck. Firstly, the wind changed just as the right time for William while Harold was still in the North of England( He defeated the Vikings and travelled back south as quickly as possible). Secondly, Harold was killed during the battle: his men lost their leader and their confidence.




A second reason William won the battle was the strength and skill of the Norman army.


For example, the Norman soldiers were well trained, the army is very complete we can notice: archers, foot soldiers and the cavalry   (knights on horseback).




A final reason William won the battle was his leadership. The army must have felt confident that God was on their side because William carried the banner given to him by the Pope. Moreover he used the trick of retreating and the army took advantage of the situation.





II Domesday.pdf
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II) How did William the conqueror control England?



When William had conquered England successfully in 1066,  he had four key problems. He needed:


- To reward his loyal followers (Normans) and those in England who supported him.


- Money  (invading England was expensive!);


- An army in case anyone else tried to invade England (The Danes).


- To show the Anglo-Saxons that he was in control and to stop any rebellions.

A) The Domesday Book (1086)


Domes-day means ‘day of judgment’  (Doomsday) when God judges the living and the dead.


The Domesday got its name because it was supposed to be such a complete record of information that it would last forever.  Just like Judgement Day, no one could escape being recorded in the Domesday Book…



Source 1: Excerpt from The Domesday Book (1086)


 In the city of York, before 1066 there were 6 shires besides the Arbishop’s. One of these has been laid waste for the castles. In 5 shires there were 1418 inhabited dwellings. Out of the aforementioned dwellings there are now inhabited in the King’s hand, paying customary dues, 400 less 9, both large and small; 400 dwellings not inhabited of which the better ones pays 1 penny and the others less; and 540 dwellings so empty that they pay nothing at all; and the Frenchmen hold 145 dwellings.”


Shires= counties ;  to lay  waste : rester en friche; Aforementioned  a matter which hast just been referred to.; Due : a tax


Dwelling: a place where people live


Source 2:

‘ King William sent his men to all parts of England. They had to find out how much land the King had. They also found out how much land the churches and his barons held. This was done so well that every scrap of land, and every ox, cow, and pig was put into the report”.

Written by a monk at Worcester soon after the year 1100.

scrap of land: a piece of land;  an ox : un boeuf; A report/ a survey : a detailed investigation.

Baron: a lord, the most important barons were called Earls, they owned lands from the sovereign or a powerful overlord (= suzerain).


What is the aim of William’s Domesday Book? Try to use quotes to explain your point of view….


Document Adobe Acrobat 3.2 MB

Wednesday 10th March 2021



Début de la correction en dessous : 

A brief history of the European Union




What was the historical background (context) of European Union’s creation?








1951: E………………….    C…………….    &   S…………….        C…………..




Member Countries:






Economic goal:








Why? (Political objective)










1957:  E……………………         E………………………..         C……………………..  (Treaty of Rome)




(The same countries)


These aims are to make it easier ……:


- To …….






-  for people to ……..






1973: …………………………………….


The same year as Ireland and Denmark






The main goal of this act is …..








1993: The  Maastricht   …………………… renamed the EEC as the  E…………          U……….


This treaty introduces:


- More …..






- To set out






2002 :  ……………………..


How many countries have adopted this money? ………………




Which countries refused to adopt this currency?  …………………………………..






















What was the historical background (context) of European Union’s creation?


After the horror of WWII, people wanted to find ways to ensure future peace and cooperation between the different countries in Europe.




Member Countries:  Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, France and West Germany.


Economic goal:  They agreed to work together on production of coal and steel materials that were essential for rebuilding military forces.


Why? (Political objective): They thought by working together it would be avoid any more wars.




1957:  EUROPEAN         ECONOMIC    COMMUNITY  = EEC  (Treaty of Rome)


(The same countries)


These aims are to make it easier ……:


- …To buy and sell a wide range of goods throughout the six countries


-  ….For people to travel, live and work within these countries.




1973: The UK joins the European Community


The same year as Ireland and Denmark




1986: The single European act is signed.


The main goal of this act is …..


-….To  reduce barriers to trade between countries


To be continued.....





What is the European Union?




A) Who were these founding members of the EU?


 1) Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Spain.


 2) Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.


 3) Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Denmark.




B) What was the organisation they created in 1957 called?


1) The European Economic Community.


2) The European Coal and Steel Community.


3) The European Economic and Social Committee.




C) Soon after the Second World War, Europe was split into east and west. The Berlin Wall, which separated East and West Berlin for almost three decades, was a symbol of this division until its fall in 1989. Which of these statements is true ?


1) Resistance against communist rule in central and eastern Europe led to the fall of the Berlin Wall.


2) The reunification of Germany in 1990 brought West Germany into the European Union.


3) Germany beat Argentina 1-0 in the 1990 football World Cup.




D)   Which Member State…


is one of seven monarchies in the European Union;


…is known for its Midsummer celebrations;


…joined the European Union in 1995, together with two other countries ?


1) Sweden.            2) Finland.         3) Estonia.




E) How many official languages does the EU have?


1) 17.        2) 23.        3) 24




F) In which treaty was the name 'The European Union' first used?


A. Paris     B. Maastricht    C. Amsterdam




G)  With a population of 82 million, which is the largest country in the European Union by population?


a) Germany     b) France     c) Spain         




H) In which European country are both Flemish and French spoken?


 a) Switzerland        b) The Netherlands                   c) Belgium




I) Which Member State…


is one of six monarchies in the European Union;


…is known for its Midsummer celebrations;


…joined the European Union in 1995, together with two other countries ?


1) Sweden.            2) Finland.         3) Estonia.






J ) Which Member State…


…fought a war of independence between 1991 and 1995;


…has a coat of arms featuring a red and white checkerboard pattern;


…is the latest country to join the European Union?


1) Bulgaria.        2) Croatia.               3) Slovenia.




K) How many official languages does the EU have?


       1) 17.        2) 23.        3) 24




L) In which treaty was the name 'The European Union' first used?


A. Paris     B. Maastricht    C. Amsterdam




M) Anna has just finished school and would like to improve her Italian. She enrols on a two-month crash course at a language school in Italy. What does she have to do before leaving?


1) Nothing. She can start packing her suitcase and take off for Italy! As an EU citizen Anna has the right to study in any other EU country.


 2) Anna needs to apply for a temporary residence permit before going to Italy.


3) Anna needs to apply for a visa to study in Italy.




N)  In Italy, Anna meets, Pavel, an Erasmus+ student from Czechia. Which of the following is true? The Erasmus+ programme…


1…helps young people to study in their own country.


2…is only for university students and does not include other ways of learning.


 3…provides opportunities for partnerships amongst schools and organisations from other EU countries.




O ) Anna has a fantastic time in Czechia, but during a visit to one of the many beautiful monuments, she falls and twists her ankle. Fortunately, she has remembered to bring her European Health Insurance Card with her. Which of these statements is true?


1) Anna has the right to private healthcare free of charge.


2) Anna can receive public health care and pay the same fees as locals with her European Health Insurance Card.


3) As she is not Czech, Anna will have to pay for all the public health care received there.




P) Which city is the furthest north?


 a) Copenhagen, Denmark              b) Vilnius, Lithuania          c) Edinburgh, Scotland




Monday 7th December 2020


 Monday, 9th November 220

It's the good place  !!!!


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The Remembrance Day:

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The Remembrance Day BLOG.pdf
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remembrance blog 2020 PDF.pdf
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